Thursday, December 1, 2011

Trying to keep this going

I am so incredibly passionate about VBAC that I seriously want to keep this blog going. I havent blogged on here for a little while now and here are some reasons why:
  • I just recently finished my DONA birth doula training in Asheville, NC and have been consumed with everything involved with that-trying to get a business page, business cards, meeting and emailing potential clients, and putting together a VAST, VAST resource list that I seriously work on every night for hours!
  • I just moved into a new place with my husband in a new city 
  • I am home with two crazy boys and they do not wanna let me blog
  • I want to post some great things but feel a little like no one reads this blog, so why put in the time....
No matter what, I am still very VBAC supportive and will continue to be. Let me brainstorm some rock your world posts, and get back into the game. I know so many women can be changed by just a little positivity in their pregnancy and it can make or break their path towards their vaginal birth. I want to be that little angel on your ear encouraging you!


  1. Don't give up. I have been blogging my journey and get varied movement in the blog. But just affecting one or two people can change lives. Follow your passions. I'd love to contribute at times if you want. I responded to fb post on the support group. - Taia

  2. I need this! VBAC support-blog more


My only request is that you be respectful in your comments!