Saturday, August 6, 2011

Power in words

         It is amazing how much power your words and thoughts can have over your life. If you are having a bad day and you keep saying how horrible the day is, you are only affirming that notion in your head and most likely pulling yourself into a downward spiral. Changing your perspective on life starts with you, and the things you allow yourself to believe. Birth is no different. To truly have the positive birth experience you crave, it is best to start with a positive mindset. It seems simple enough, but often times women are not prepared mentally for birth and it can get in the way of labor, even causing it to come to a screeching halt at times.  Work on preparing your mind, and during labor find a mantra, or a positive affirmation to keep repeating to yourself. Sometimes I find that even if you do not believe it at first...repeating it mulitple times will make you eventually believe it.
         For example, when I was in labor with my second son, my vbac, I got to a really tough spot right after transition. It was time to start pushing and I just let my mind get the best of me. I was moving with each contraction and instead of saying my usual, "OPEN, OOOOOPEN" chant, I started doubting myself and found that I was saying, "I can't, I can't, I really dont think I can". Just saying those words brought me down a level. They freaked me out and placed doubts in my head. I tensed up and fought the pain, and actually made the pain intensify by freaking out and loosing my cool.
          The power of your words is outstanding. Start now by making a list of the things you believe your body can do, what it will do, and what an amazing job you are going to do! Here are a few great things I believe you should tell yourself everyday, and especially once labor gets going:

  • grow and nurture a baby with my body
  • contract and relax as my body works its way towards delivery
  • OPEN
  • find inner strength and peace 
  • give birth vaginally

  • ABLE

  • stay positive
  • have my vbac
  • focus my thoughts 
  • prepare my body,soul,and mind to birth a baby
  • open my cervix
  • soften, and my baby will descend into the birth canal
  • push my baby out
  • trust myself!


  1. I love the artwork that you have posted. Thank you for this encouraging post!

  2. I love this artwork too, its by amy swagman, one of my favorite artists. I won a print of that middle picture by her and I cant wait to hang it on my wall. :)


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